Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fact or Fibula

Haha first of all how gay is this title? (Oh my bad what is it were suppose to be saying now-a-days, My title is Emily and Julia- I don't know I'll knock it off)

Okay so two and a half weeks ago I broke my leg, my fibula to be exact, playing some ball, trippin' on curbs, being the clutz that I am. Let me tell you how horrible crutches are and I'm sorry for anybody who has ever or will ever be on them. I just wanted to express my hatred for them, no more stairs, hills, walks, even showers. :( The only comfort I have in this is my little brother has the constant need to one up me. So he went out on his long board and crashed breaking his elbow AND his hand :) Thanks Chub for making me realize I really don't have it THAT bad.
But the good news is I went and saw the doctor again for a friendly little check up and I'm healing nicely so I get to be off crutches and hobble along in a boot YAY ME!

This boot leads me into my next little story. So I get bored pretty easily and I have my trustee sidekick Zoie to tag along and be bored with me, so one enjoyable evening we were extra bored and went to check out redbox- While paroozing the movies we realized that there was nothing good to watch so instead we sat our gimpy butts down on the grocery stores display patio bench. While enjoying our people watching I saw a fellow "boot wearer" So being the friendly person I am I commented her nice boot thinking she would see mine and get a nice laugh. INSTEAD I got quite possibly the meanest look I have ever recieved. She looked at me like I had just told her she had an ugly baby or something... Really???

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