Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh Bagheera!

Wow, Bagheera is failing me! (Thats my cars name for those of you that don't know)

So I had an almost, awesome weekend! I went to good old Wayne County. I got to see all my friends, and some of my favorite people ever!

However I worked on saturday so I didn't start my travels until pretty late. It took me forever to get there because of all the crazy deer on the road. I finally got there around midnight- thats okay though because I have some pretty awesome friends who stayed up and hung out with me.

Sunday came around and I went to church and that was cool, I ate at the amazingly good shak! I decided I had better leave pretty early so I wouldn't have to experience all the deer again...And I was running on 0 hours of sleep.
I ended up leaving Hanksville around 5. Right when I get to Loa (66 miles out of Hville) BAM, my car loses power!!!!
Guess what else? I don't have cell phone service... Apparently Verizon doesn't have the best all over coverage they claim to! Thats okay though because luckily I wasn't too far from the gas station so I went and used their phone. This is when I found out people in Loa are strangely nice! I had about 10 people there offering to tow my car, to drive me back to Hanksville, to call my insurance for me everything! Guess what else? My insurance doesn't have roadside.

After 3 hours of arguing with the tow truck driver about where to take my car I finally struck a pretty decent, no a really awesome deal with him, he ended up towing my car all the way to Cedar for $120 bones!

Long story short I made it home safe and it only took me 6 hours to do it! GO ME :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break

So for those of you that don’t know me, you should know I love a good meet and greet. This past weekend was jam packed with meet and greets!!

Spring Break Ten started off very … BLAH. Working, sleeping, you know normal. On Friday though my break really started, we drove to SLC, as soon as we got there we got a couple meet and greets in- (A roomate and a cousin)... I like to call it a "twofer"-

All of us rode the lovely trax into downtown Salt Lake (we gotta roll in in style) and...

We went to the Jason Aldean concert! It was amazing!!!!

Zack got his guitar pick lucky duck.

Then on Saturday, I started the day off with a slew of meet and greets. Family members out the butt… Now usually a family member meet and greet (especially a mom) can be pretty nerve racking but this one wasn’t bad at all.

Anyway, we left the family to go to the wonderful hobby lobby (Pretty sure if there were one close enough I’d become an addict) After we got done cruising the crafts we got another long awaited meet and greet in (more of a blind meet and greet) which really could be awesome or horrible… in this case it turned out pretty good.

Then we went to the Jazz game!

The XFactor!

The Jazz owned the hornets which was a little lame of a game but irregardless we won! Oh and we showed up 2 hours early so we got to see Kyle Korver rolling up in his Range Rover so that was pretty sweet.

The game got out and we went and got one last meet and greet in. (yet another “blind” m&g) that also turned out to be good, A great way to finish the weekend off…

There you have it my spring break weekend in a nutshell.