Tuesday, November 10, 2009

As Seen On TV

Okay so usually I don't pay attention to all the "seen on tv" junk you can find although some of it is really cool looking, and don't get me wrong lots of people and their moms purchase a lot of this stuff its just not really for me. However I was watching TV one day and I couldn't look away from the ad about the cupcake that is 25 times the size of a regular one....

Why would you need something this big... a cupcake of all things?

So as many of you know I am privelaged enough to be employed at a bakery. Well one day I went into work and I saw this HUGE donut sitting there and I thought hey a donut 25 times the size of a regular one. Again why would you need something this big... a donut of all things?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"It'll cost nothing to dream, & everything not to"

Sometimes I hear quotes and everybody will make comments on it and how true that is etc. I heard this the other day and it doesn't really make sense to me... So I'm pondering it seeing what I can make of it... So I wanted to see if my blog stalkers could bring me any insight ... Let me know!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Play On

Yay for Carrie Underwood! Today is the release date of her 3rd album called "Play On." And as many of you know I have a girl crush on her. She is amazing and I'm proud of her so she is my featured guest on todays blog.

Look at her I mean she is beautiful...

Anyway I just wanted to give a shout out, You go girl!

Monday, November 2, 2009

I Finally Carved!!

So we had a pumpkin carving party! Except there were way more people there then there was pumpkins so some people *Kendall* had to steal other peoples pumpkins but anyway... I just wanted to show off the pictures...
We had a Turkey pumpkin...A Jazz Pumpkin....And a polka dot pumpkin... Because there is something for everybody with Polka!

I love Hallow!

So I know I have said this before and I'll say it again but I love Halloween. Everybody thinks oh its this big satanic, scary holiday lalala- No really it comes down to... People watching holiday. And that is one of my favorite things to do- I saw all sorts of amazing costumes. Some people old and young alike get so into their costumes and it makes me smile.

This year I decided to be a cat... duh! And when I say I decided I mean my boss decided for me- Turned out pretty uh... scary-

I worked with a bee and her roomate was the swine flu hehe kind of funny.

My personal favorite was my 5 year old neice.. She decided that she wanted to be a cow. When we asked her why a cow she said "because she is fluent in cow...MOOO!" The best part about this is that her friends at school have started calling her Cowlie instead of Callie. Well if there wasn't a problem with kids finding their own identities there is now and we owe it all to Halloween!