Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010 res

So after a week and a half I have come out with my working 2010 resolution list. Pretty cliche' to have one but I'm a cliche' kind of gal. I decided to keep it to five, however small it seems they are going to be hard for me but I want to "grow up" so thats what most of the focus is on....

1. I have to limit my infamous "immature nights" to one a month.
2. No more soda (This one is more-so to prove to myself I can do it)
3. No more swearing, because that's unladylike
4. Stop being such a creep (My impeccable memory makes me come off as a creep sometimes... so sue me)
5. Stop being so bossy, because nobody likes to be called bossy.

And there is my although I do have others but they are the same things I'm always striving to improve so I don't think it is unique to the 2010 res list.

1 comment:

Annie G said...

Stop being so bossy, because nobody likes to be called bossy? or just because you are really bossy. ...